I replaced the logo for all sites a month or so ago. 

I'm not at a place I can publish, but if someone can publish the PRODUCTION 
sites, the logo will show up (be sure to clear cache!). 


"My religion is simple. My religion is kindness."
- HH The Dalai Lama of Tibet

On Apr 18, 2012, at 7:09 AM, Chris Bowditch <bowditch_ch...@hotmail.com> wrote:

> On 18/04/2012 13:52, Clay Leeds wrote:
>> On Apr 18, 2012, at 5:12 AM, Chris Bowditch<bowditch_ch...@hotmail.com>  
>> wrote:
>>> On 18/04/2012 07:24, The Web Maestro wrote:
>>> Hi Clay,
>>>> I added the logo (in GIF, JPG, PNG&  SVG formats... ;-)
>>> Thanks, but I don't yet see it on the staging website. Is there a delay 
>>> before that appears?
> Hi Clay,
>> Strange. The new logo showed up when I refreshed it. Perhaps it's your 
>> cache? Try loading only the logo.
> Yes you are right. It was my browser cache. I can now see the updated logo.
>>>> Sponsorship&  Thanks were already there. License is on the Legal page, 
>>>> which is there, but I've added it to the sidebar as well, along with the 
>>>> Security page. ;-)
>>> Thanks. I can now see the 4 required links.
>>>> I also got the Compliance table working. Unfortunately, the CMS is 
>>>> stripping the 'class="ForrestTable"', so the coloring is White-On-White 
>>>> (but if you select the text, you'll see the content and layout is there).
>>>> As for the navigation menu, I'd like it to collapse most of the links, 
>>>> except the section you're in. Anyone have a favorite jQuery menu they like 
>>>> for this? If not, I'll see about finding one...
>>> All the "TM" logos are missing from the content and headers though. It took 
>>> me quite some time to add them to all the pages. Will you be able to 
>>> re-sync the content with the latest xdocs as it would take quite some time 
>>> to re-apply them and I want to tell the board that FOP, Commons and XML 
>>> Graphics sites are now brand compliant in the upcoming report.
>> The current LIVE site has it, so we should be good informing the board it's 
>> there, no?
>> Weird. When I added the content, I did an `svn up` to ensure it was recent 
>> content. I'm sure I'll have to re-synch, anyway, so we'll see. I wish it 
>> were a caching thing!
> I can see the TM logos in most of the content after clearing the cache. Just 
> the XML Graphics top page doesn't appear to have them now.
> Thanks,
> Chris
>>> Thanks,
>>> Chris

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