On Sun, Apr 15, 2012 at 12:52 PM, The Web Maestro

> I just added most of the nav for FOP Development (0.95, 1.0, trunk/ and
> 'dev'):
> http://xmlgraphics.staging.apache.org/

initial comments:

   - the navigation panel on the left needs to start in a collapsed mode,
   and remember its settings as you move to  sub-projects and their
   descendants; possibly better would be to limit what is in the navigation
   panel to the content of each currently selected sub-project or home, while
   retaining expansion within that set of content;
   - table formatting is broken, cf.
   - header margins seem strange; h[134] are aligned (on left) but h2 is
   indented; cf.

also, since you are now in the process of making these changes, what should
we do with current site doc updates? i.e., can i continue to commit changes
to fop/src/documentation/content/xdocs and you will pick up these changes
at some point? or should we hold off on any changes until you have finished?

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