On 15/04/2012 19:52, The Web Maestro wrote:
I just added most of the nav for FOP Development (0.95, 1.0, trunk/ and 'dev'):
Hi Clay,


As mentioned, there are likely missing things (like java-docs, download.cgi, Batik's DEMO, etc.)... It'd be great if folks could take a look... I haven't figured out how to add other content, but It Might Just Work(tm) if weupload it there via SVN...

Many thanks for working on this.

Come to think of it, we should probably move this to gene...@xmlgraphics.apache.org <mailto:gene...@xmlgraphics.apache.org>. Or is there a better mailing list? I'll refrain from sending to other lists, until we figure out where it should go.

Any ideas where this discussion should move, since it entails changes to all XML Graphics Project web docs?

Yes this discussion should move to general@ as it will affect all sub projects of XML Graphics.



Kind regards,

Clay Leeds
<the.webmaes...@gmail.com <mailto:the.webmaes...@gmail.com>> - <http://ourlil.com/>
My religion is simple. My religion is kindness.
- HH The 14th Dalai Lama of Tibet

On Sat, Apr 14, 2012 at 11:53 PM, The Web Maestro <the.webmaes...@gmail.com <mailto:the.webmaes...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    I've updated the docs a bit, and gotten much (but not all!) of the
    FOP, Batik & Commons content into the CMS...

    We're still missing an adequate navigation system, so I did a
    preliminary job of getting a few links in the sidenav, but it's
    incomplete and ugly as sin. We'll need to build a mechanism to
    hide (collapse?) non-relevant links, but that shouldn't be too hard.

    We also need to figure out java-docs, download.cgi, and perhaps
    some other issues...

    Without further ado:


    Kind regards,

    Clay Leeds
    <the.webmaes...@gmail.com <mailto:the.webmaes...@gmail.com>> -
    My religion is simple. My religion is kindness.
    - HH The 14th Dalai Lama of Tibet

    On Thu, Apr 12, 2012 at 10:03 PM, Clay Leeds
    <the.webmaes...@gmail.com <mailto:the.webmaes...@gmail.com>> wrote:

        On Apr 12, 2012, at 6:41 AM, Glenn Adams <gl...@skynav.com
        <mailto:gl...@skynav.com>> wrote:
        > Agreed that removing forrest dependency is desirable.
        However, presumably the current xdocs would need to be
        converted to MD, in which case someone will need to construct
        an XSLT to do so. That begs the question of whether it would
        be necessary (at this time) to convert the source format to
        MD, or if an additional step in the CMS based process could
        merely perform that step automatically. If so, then it should
        not be necessary to change the authoring format at this time.
        It could be done as a separate step later.

        I am using Forrest 0.8 w markdown plugin. Conversion could be
        scripted, but that would negate the benefit of the CMS.

        > What I don't know yet is what we will lose from the
        conversion to MD in terms of ability to markup our source
        docs. Clearly, MD is not as semantically or syntactically rich
        as an XML based source. But do we lose anything of
        consequence? I don't know yet.
        > One thing we may lose if we don't convert to MD is the
        ability to use CMS in-page editing. So that is a
        consideration. Perhaps that option is sufficient to justify
        other potential negatives in converting.
        > G.

        One of my goals, was to see some discussion in the DEVers,
        before I complete the task of converting the docs. The
        MarkDown format is not nearly as semantic as xdoc, but it
        serves a different purpose.

        It'll take some time, and I'm still prepared to take it on.
        But I was hoping for some discussion ;-)

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