Memory usage is the weakness of FOP.
But you should try to increase the memory available for your JVM, using
java -Xms100m -Xmx250m  (for example).
And if tou have big tables, you should generate page-sequence breaks.

> Hi there folks!
> I've a question regarding the memory usage of the fop formatter with large
> documents.
> I'm rendering a large list with about 450 pages and 10000 table entries.
> When i look ad the memory usage of the fop formatter in my win32
> enrironment, i see
> that it consumes about 180 MBytes of memory and it needs a lot of time to
> complete its
> work!
> Is there any way to make it faster or to let it use not so much memory
> without throwing
> an out ot memory error?
> Is there any c++ formatter out there that is open source and can do the
> faster and
> without so much memory usage?
> Thanks a lot
> Mirko

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