On Wed, 2003-03-12 at 14:06, Claudio De Bernardi wrote:
> Hi,
> does anybody know how FOP works with tab characters?

TAB characters are replaced with 8 white spaces. Effective width depends
on the font used. 

> I'm trying to generate a PDF file starting from a simple text which 
> contains tab characters, and I want to keep them in the resulting PDF. I 
> put the text into a block  tag with the attribute 
> white-space-collapse="false" ( the text to be printed hasn't a standard 
> format, so I can't use tables )

If you want to indent your text use start-indent attribute of
<fo:block>. This is your only option if you can't use tables.

> It seems that FOP recognize tabs but it simply replaces them with a 
> fixed number of "white spaces"  without any kind of consideration about 
> horizontal alignment

You are right.

> Thanks in advance
> Claudio

Hope this helps,

Rodolfo M. Raya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Heartsome Holdings Pte. Ltd.

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