On Wed, 7 May 2003, Jeremias Maerki wrote:

> You didn't say whether setting the log level to LEVEL_DEBUG helped or
> not. Even if your XSLT is ok, my suggestions still apply. I've found
> bugs that way before. So if it's really the SVG that's having a problem
> check if Batik is in the classpath and if you're using the version
> that's coming with your FOP version.


Sorry, I forgot to mention that. I did try it with the log level set to
LEVEL_DEBUG, but it made no difference. I didn't receive any additional
output from using the standard LEVEL_INFO. I also have batik.jar in my
classpath. Any other ideas?


> On 07.05.2003 02:29:54 Ozhan Hassan wrote:
> > I know that there is nothing wrong with the XSLT, including the SVG
> > because if I run fop from the command line, passing it an XML file and the
> > XSLT, it works fine. It only hangs when I run it via my application. I am
> > guessing that maybe my application isn't setting a property which is
> > needed, or something like that. If I comment out the SVG, my application
> > runs fine. Does anyone know why this is happening?
> Jeremias Maerki
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