On Fri, 25 Jul 2003, Clay Leeds wrote:

> On the subject of color coding, I like the idea of switching to the 
> traffic light system to help indicate conformance/compliance. These 
> colors have been engrained in us all to know that yellow means 
> "caution".

just me being anal-retentive again, but it's still not clear to
me, regardless of what color scheme is being used, why words like
"yes" and "no" and "partial" are still necessary, since that's what
the color scheme is precisely supposed to represent.

in addition, if you look at the table that's up now, it's just
a little confusing why, part way down the first part of it, the word
"yes" is in the leftmost box, then suddenly, it jumps to the
middle box, then back to the left box.  is this supposed to mean

i'll take a longer look at this later, and try to summarize
my thoughts, rather than doing this piecemeal and almost
certainly driving everyone nuts.


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