> -----Original Message-----


> There are some items where I am still a bit confused.
<snip />
> As to splitting up the table:
> J.Pietschmann wrote:
> > It's not enough to reduce memory consumption. In order to
> > reclaim memory locked up in Area objects related to the
> > table, the FOs itself have to be reclaimed, which only
> > happens at the end of a page sequence.
> I am quite new to XSL:FO but I think that you can only have one
> "body-flow" inside a page-sequence?
<snip />
> If so, and it has no (positive) impact if I have more tables or not, then
> the only possibility is to split the source (xml) and run more times?

Not at all. You just need to rewrite your XSL to produce, one page-sequence
for every N rows or tables. Where you now apply-templates to *all* tables in
the document, you could opt to apply-templates to groups of tables, let's
assume 3 tables per page-sequence. This would lead to the following

  <xsl:apply-templates select="//tables[position() mod 3 = 1]"
                       mode="table-group" />
<xsl:template match="tables" mode="table-group">
  <fo:page-sequence master-ref...>
    <fo:flow ...>
      <xsl:apply-templates select=". | following::tables[position() < 3]" />





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