Yes, I am using block container for absolute positioning. I am setting
left, top, width, and height attributes which can not be changed.  There
are two situations:
1.  Text is too long and not all the text is being displayed. I have put
the text into a table because I wasn't able to use the display align
property on the block container. Ex:

<block-container position="absolute" id="Ad Copy" left="17.999pt"
top="201.0pt" height="36pt" width="270pt">
          <table width="100%" table-layout="fixed">
            <table-column column-width="proportional-column-width(1)"/>
              <table-row height="36pt">
                <table-cell text-align="start" font-size="10pt"
font-weight="bolder" font-style="oblique"
font-family="Helvetica-Condensed-BlackObl" display-align="center">
                  <block id="Ad Copy 1" >TEXT</block>

2.  I am using blocks inside the block container to have text on
separate lines.  In this situation, sometimes the 6th line does not show
up because there is not enough space.

<block-container position="absolute" id="Agent Location 1"
left="71.999pt" top="260.91pt" height="49.497pt" width="126pt">
          <table width="100%" table-layout="fixed">
            <table-column column-width="proportional-column-width(1)"/>
              <table-row height="49.497pt">
                <table-cell text-align="start" font-size="7pt"
font-weight="normal" font-style="normal"
font-family="Helvetica-Condensed" display-align="after">
                  <block id="Agent Location 1 1">Name</block>
                  <block id="Agent Location 1 2" line>Name</block>
                  <block id="Agent Location 1 3">address</block>
                  <block id="Agent Location 1 4" ></block>

I need to make the text in both situations overflow the block container

Vinuta Nagaraddi

-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Bowditch [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, June 14, 2004 7:03 AM
Subject: Re: Need text to flow outside the block

Vinuta Nagaraddi wrote:

> I need text within a block to be visible even if the text needs more
> space that the amount specified by the block container which contains
> the block.  Is there a way to do this using fop 0.20.5?  It seems like
> can achieve this by using overflow and clip attributes for the block
> container.  I found that overflow has not been implemented.  It seems
> like overflow needs to be set to use the clip attribute.  I don't have
> the option of changing the height of the block container and the full
> text needs to be visible even if it requires space outside the
> boundaries of the block container.  Anyone have a solution?

You are right in saying that clip and overflow properties are what you
need to 
solve this problem. However they are not implemented at this time.

Are you using block-containers because you need to absolutely position
Nested tables can be used to achieve the same layout effect. Please
what effect you are trying to achieve, and we will try to suggest


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