I need text within a block to be visible even if the text needs more
space that the amount specified by the block container which contains
the block.  Is there a way to do this using fop 0.20.5?  It seems like I
can achieve this by using overflow and clip attributes for the block
container.  I found that overflow has not been implemented.  It seems
like overflow needs to be set to use the clip attribute.  I don't have
the option of changing the height of the block container and the full
text needs to be visible even if it requires space outside the
boundaries of the block container.  Anyone have a solution?


Code Ex:


<block-container position="absolute" id="Legal" left="4.499pt"
top="352.5pt" height="22.5pt" width="297pt">

          <block id="Legal 1" line-height="5.0pt">Text which may require
an area with height greater than 22.5</block>               




Any help will be greatly appreciated.


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