Thanks a lot for your time.Iam really not sure why the same is not working
in my style sheet.It doesn't throw any exceptions.Everything looks fine but it is not
rendering the barcode.
I definetely think that iam missing something.Could you pls let me know
the possibilities for not rendering the barcode.
I have everything in my classpath.

Jeremias Maerki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Barcode4J doesn't need any fonts to paint the barcodes. It contains all
the logic to create these barcodes. The only thing you need a font for
is the human-readable part. What's wrong with your FO-snippet is that
the font-name and font-size elements are in the wrong position and are
therefore ignored.

If you wanted to specify a font for the human-readble part it would have
to look this way:



I understand you want to have a broader barcode. In this case you should
play with the module-width element to adjust the width of the narrow


Attached you find the PDF that resulted from the above two snippets.

On 14.12.2004 04:31:23 kumar Bandaru wrote:
> Hi,
> I got rid of the exceptions, but the follwing block is not rendering the barcode in the PDF file.
> Pls note that Iam using upceanm font given by IDAutomation.com.Does Barcode4J support this font?? .
> 14mm
> upceanm
> 20pt





> Any suggestions are welcome.Thanks

Jeremias Maerki

> ATTACHMENT part 2 application/octet-stream name=ean8.pdf
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