--- "Puppala, Kumar (LNG-DAY)"
> If I have text-indent specified on an fo:block and
> if I have a nested block
> within this, the text following this nested block is
> indented as well. For
> example:
> <fo:block text-indent="5">
>       This is just for testing purpose and this line
> will be indented.
>     <fo:block>this is the nested block </fo:block>
>      The text following the nested block is indented
> as well...not sure if
> this is as per spec. since it does not happen in
> other renderers.
> </fo:block>
> In the above example, the text following the second
> block should not be
> indented since text-indent applies only to the first
> line of that block and
> not to any subsequent text in that block. 

I really don't think so.  All of the PCDATA in your
example is owned by that outer fo:block, and subject
to its properties.

> Is there a
> way to get around this
> issue by specifying some property on the first
> block? I appreciate your
> help.

De-nest your fo:blocks?


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