I assume the problem comes from FOP's embedding only a subset of the
TrueType font in the PDF. In that case we cannot use the original font
name because we don't embed the full font. If you have to be able to
edit the PDF you'd need to embed the full font in which case we could
use the original name. FOP currently doesn't support that, though.

On 17.09.2006 22:51:41 Luis Ferro wrote:
> The test is simple...
> Prepare a font (tested with TTF fonts) for importing, one that has some
> "attributes" like "light".
> Make a document which uses that font and produce a PDF.
> Edit the PDF with acrobat pro.
> What will happen is that the name the font has isn't the same name as the
> embed font.
> The render will work ok, but the edit will mean a "warning" of font to
> become "unembed". That isn't a problem, except that as the font name is
> wrong (the font name listed in the pdf doesn't match the font name in the
> TTF file, what will happen is that acrobat can't find it and allow the
> "reembed" of it).
> If needed will post files that exemplify this effect (i'm not sure if this
> is a FOP problem yet - will do more tests next week).

Jeremias Maerki

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