We had a short off-list exchange and it turned out that just supporting
the natural language in the PDF isn't enough as Henry needs the PDFs to
pass Acrobat's accessibility check which means that PDF's "Document
Structure" feature needs to be supported. And that would be a larger
change, potentially even impacting FOP's architecture at some points.

On 16.01.2008 20:43:08 Li, Hao wrote:
> Andreas and Jeremias,
> RenderX supports this feature by specifying xml:lang in the <fo:root>
> tag:
> <fo:root xml:lang="en">
> We are eager to know if it can be done in FOP in a short time. We are
> willing to pay a reasonable amount for the implementation.   
> Thank you very much,
> Henry
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Andreas L Delmelle [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2008 5:47 PM
> To: fop-users@xmlgraphics.apache.org
> Subject: Re: language specification for PDF document
> On Jan 15, 2008, at 23:36, Li, Hao wrote:
> Hi Henry
> > Does it mean that the implementation will be Apache FOP specific,
> > because there is no such XSL-FO standard property for document level
> > language of PDF?
> Basically: yes. There is no connection/obligation of a FO processor  
> to any particular output format, like PDF or PostScript.
> Also, it is currently unimplemented at the moment, so should someone  
> decide to have a shot at implementing it, and he does not know what  
> AntennaHouse or RenderX do with the related properties (language/ 
> country/script), then it is very likely that an eventual  
> implementation will be specific to Apache FOP.
> Cheers
> Andreas

Jeremias Maerki

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