Hi I have tried with the "-print"  command of fop. It says "Content not 
allowed as input file" . Even i had gone through your embeded example it 
also shows that the input file should be of extension *.fo . I have 
googled a lot on printing pdf. There are so many threads in the forums on 
the same. None had a solution. After so much of effort in googling then I 
just came to try with fop as it generates pdf. But I think this does not 
do what I want. So just thinking what could be done. 

There are some command line pdf printing tools available commercially. And 
also some java api. But I dont find any open source or some sort of free 
tool for this. 

I am specifically looking for some tool which does not require any user 
intervention. It should not show any popup or dialouge boxes. It should 
happen silently in the background. 

Thanks And Regards,
Muralidhar Yaragalla.

01/25/2008 04:27 PM
Please respond to


Re: Printing issue

Have you tried the -print option just to see if that would be an option
for you? The experiment only takes you two minutes but might save you a
lot of trouble.

Options for printing PDF are:
- remote-control Adobe Acrobat using COM on Windows.
- GhostScript can print PDFs. I'm not sure what the automation grade
would be.
- There are various PDF tools on the internet that might help you here.
- Some (more expensive) printers support printing PDF directly.

On 25.01.2008 11:48:34 Muralidhar_YARAGALLA wrote:
> Ya I think we cannot print the pdf documents with fop. It is only 
> if you are generating pdf using fop. It takes the input file (which 
> be pdf) and renders that into various paginated output file but the 
> file will be processed and will be sent to the printer not the generated 

> output.
> If I am wrong please correct me. If there is any way that i can print 
> already existing pdf kindly tell me.
> Thanks And Regards,
> Muralidhar Yaragalla.
> Extranet
> 01/25/2008 02:06 PM
> Please respond to
> fop-users@xmlgraphics.apache.org
> To
> fop-users
> cc
> Subject
> Re: Printing issue
> FOP has PDF generation capabilities but FOP cannot print PDF files (you
> need a different tool for that). However, if it's only about printing
> the generated document (I say document here, not PDF, because PDF is
> just one possible output format of FOP), you can also use the
> "PrintRenderer" which doesn't generate a PDF but uses Java2D/AWT to
> print the document using Java's printing capabilities.
> On the FOP command-line, this is the "-print" parameter. For embedded
> use, have a look at:

> Note to self and fop-devs: Since we're now on Java 1.4 we can/should
> eventually switch over to using JPS.
> On 25.01.2008 08:54:40 Muralidhar_YARAGALLA wrote:
> > Hi I know with fop we can generate PDF documents but can we print them 

> > programatically without user intervention.  I need to fetch the pdf 
> files 
> > from a folder and i have to send them for printing. no pop up and no 
> user 
> > intervention should be there. It should happen silently in the 
> background. 
> > Can I do this fop.
> > 
> > Thanks And Regards,
> > Muralidhar Yaragalla.
> Jeremias Maerki

Jeremias Maerki

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