
On Fri, Jul 29, 2016 at 08:35:36AM +0100, Dmitri Dolguikh wrote:
> I have at least one feature planned for smart-proxy that requires
> dependencies not available on 1.8.7 (at all). At this point converting
> the smart-proxy to use SCL isn’t worth it, and it would be great not
> to have an additional 3-months wait.

That would be exactly my point also, as I said in my mail for the
original discussion back then: If the support for EL6 is prolonged, the
proxy (and maybe even the installer) should really get into SCL, which
is definitely too much work for just 3 or 6 months. If EL6 support is
really needed, somebody[tm] needs to do that work, but then we could
also extend the lifespan not only some months, but probably some years.

As I don't use RH based distro at the moment, I can't really say how
widespread the use of EL6 for Foreman really is...

Michael Moll

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