This is a followup to the ConfigCamp discussion on translations.

During the Satellite 6.2 release, Red Hat engaged a set of professional translators to localize the application. This was done in an internal instance of Zanata, and therefore not available to the community. During ConfigCamp we analyzed Zanata, and felt it would be a step back and therefore did not suggest moving all translations. Instead, we worked on some scripts to load strings directly into Transifex. This would allow the normal translation process to occur, and the strings would get pulled in when appropriate.

I have loaded in all translations from the internal Zanata instance into Transifex. These are marked as "unreviewed" so you can use Transifex to review the changes.

I have not yet loaded any changed translations into transifex. You can see the changes at [1]. There is one diff file per language. I would like to give folks a week (until 5 August) to review before I push them in. If folks can not do this, the strings would still be marked as unreviewed so the tool can be used to find the changes.

Please let me know if you have comments on the process, or if you have concerns with the changed translations. I can send along the individual diff files if that would help (they are not diff format).

Also, if anyone who has the ability to post notifications to Transifex could add this there I would appreciate it.

-- bk


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