Kalau menurut saya yang membuat suara kepada Hillary naik adalah 
setelah dia mengatakan akan meneyerang Iran apabila dia terpilih 
menjadi Presiden. Jadi, kelihatannya warga US memerlukan musuh 
bersama lagi untuk mengatasi frustasi ekonomi yang sedang melanda 
M. Danil Daud

--- In Forum-Pembaca-Kompas@yahoogroups.com, bungaran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> Ini salah satu komentar Clinton yang menarik membuat Obama 
> di Pennsylvania.
> Hillary Clinton, jumping on Obama's San Francisco comments on the
> bitterness in small-town Pennsylvania during a speech in 
> just now, hit Obama hard:
> Clinton said she'd seen in the media that "my opponent said that 
> people of Pennsylvania who faced hard times are bitter."
> "Well, that's not my experience," she continued. "As I travel 
> Pennsylvania, I meet people who are resilient, who are optimistic, 
> are positive, who are rolling up their sleeves. They're working 
> every day for a better future for themseves and their children."
> "Pennsylvanians don't need a president who looks down on them. They
> need a president who stands up for them, who fights for them, who
> works
> hard for your futures, your jobs, and your families," she said,
> implicitly casting Obama as an elitist

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