Thus spoke sarose on Thursday, 24 April 2008 at  6:57:19 -0700:
> I am not talking about Distro. I am not complaining  the linux kernel
> its modules and socialist culture.

Socialist culture? OK, Linux kernel is open to *quality* code. OK? get that 
right. If Mr. Sarosei is a quality programmer with quality patchset/code with 
viable need to be within the kernel, Linux kernel *will* open it's door to Mr. 
Sarosei. On the other hand, if it's a jackshit code, it'll remain closed to Mr. 
Sarosei forever. 

> I am talking about Desktop. I am talking about end user not like you
> geeks.

Ever heard of Coder friendly distribution called Debian? and end-user friendly 
distribution called Ubuntu? btw, Ubuntu 8.04 is out, You might want to give it 
a go. :)
> Lets switch off Linux Desktop. Lets talk about XO interface Sugar. Why
> it failed?
> The basic problem of Sugar is not Sugar. They are sweet. The problem
> is interface (horrible than Gnome).
> You know Children? We have been children. We need to have a massively
> simplified user interface. All things lack on Sugar is wrong choice of
> GUI (i.e GTK+) and script. They selected Python. You know how damn
> slow is python especially with GTK+ binding (don't throw benchmark
> here, i have with me!)..

Python afaik is the best rapid prototyping way of doing things I've ever 
learned. Show us your benchmarks. Talks are cheap, everyone can do it. Give us 
hard, real facts if you've got it. Otherwise STFU.

> I blame Sugar's slow and cryptic features for the outrageous decision
> from Uncle Negroponte. Sugar is just annoying.

As with any engineering feat, it takes a programmer to be dedicated and have 
*brains* to actually program for Sugar. Sugar is NOT cryptic. If you want 
cryptic feature, try peeking at Linux kernel. Now that's what I called cryptic 
with all sorts of C/asm hacks (for good) thrown in.

> There are promising desktop players.  Take an example of KDE and
> Gnome. Perhaps, They could have unite together for better windows like
> interface. Even after QT got under (L)GPL, their rooted divided
> mentality is broadening like anything.

Choice is good and differentiation of a software product is no different. KDE 
is very friendly to Windows users. The default environment of KDE is very 
similar to Windows environment and there exist a port of KDE for windows if you 
wanna go try out.

> There is a serious rift between two community. Will you forget windows
> against FOSS? You guys are fighting each other. I see hell of issue
> with same vision different approach. Distro upon Distro. Mess upon
> Mess.

See above about choice. Having a choice means I do not have to stick with one 
distro or one company. And also, having a rift within community doesn't mean 
it's necessarily bad. Every community has rifts. Even windows developers 
*within* Microsoft has rift (Btw, I won't comment on the quality of the end 
product here).

> Why don't Gnome and KDE stop bickering right away !  Get unite and
> jointly develop a cool revamp GUI library to meet the standard of
> Windows or MacOSX interface. Leveraging the power to develop Sugar a
> real platform agnostic application. The desktop realm is changing so
> rapidly...the rest of FOSS is fighting so aggressively.

Choice is good, a good way to promote healthy competition in OSS world. I am 
totally for it. Gnome and KDE are only 2 major desktop environment players in 
OSS world, there are plenty (don't worry) of them flux, ion, icewm, xfce... 
loads.. As I said, choice is good.
> Well in windows for sure our little genius kid gonna get de-facto web
> standards - MP3, Flash, Java thats gonna be real fun. So many
> features .. always fun in reading. These are proprietary with stupid
> IP attached with it. But no matter what clinches, the only fact is we
> need to make reading more interactive and more fun.

What in the name are you blabbering about? Windows? and standards? Gee, get a 
grip! First thing I know is that they want to create their own broken standards 
(then push for it) and release a software that's broken to support that broken 

[ ........... ]

Bikal KC (Please use: nepbababucxspamfree_at_yahoo DOT ca)
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