On Jan 4, 2011, at 20:50 , Gour wrote:

> Russ> I'd be interested to know if anyone is using fossil for a "large"
> Russ> software project. How large? Oh, let's say ten or more
> Russ> developers. If so, how is it working out?
> Well, considering that Sqlite3 is used as storage back-end, I believe
> you can explore that part.
> The other parts in Fossil seems to be very robust, imho.

Taking into account some DVCS's based on much less robust back-ends*, like Git 
or Mercurial, I guess that Sqlite3 is not going to be the problematic part.

* - or do you want to argue that heaps ad-hoc text files are more robust than 
one of the most popular databases?

Kind regards,
Remigiusz Modrzejewski

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