On Tue, Jan 4, 2011 at 9:38 PM, Russ Paielli <russ.paie...@gmail.com> wrote:

> OK, let me rephrase my question. Is there any reason to believe that fossil
> will not scale up well to a large project? I have very little experience
> with SCM systems, and I'm just wondering if fossil was designed with
> scalability in mind. I have no reason to believe it wasn't, but I'd just
> like to be sure before I recommend it for a large project. My organization
> currently uses Clearcase for a project with something like 20 developers and
> 2MLOC. Would I be crazy to recommend fossil? Thanks.

I don't think the number of developers really comes into play.  What matters
more is the number of files in a single checkin and the total size of all
those files.

Fossil itself is 225KLOC or 7.8MB in 291 files.

Fossil was designed to manage the development of SQLite which is 500KLOC or
17MB in 895 files.

The sqllogictest test suite for SQLite (http://www.sqlite.org/slt/) is
45MLOC or 1.1GB in 645 files.

The TH3 test suite for SQLite is 415KLOC or 26MB in 985 files.

I keep all of my OpenOffice slide presentations in a single Fossil
repository.  This is a directory full of binary files, most of which are
measured in megabytes.  The complete checkout is 110MB.

All of the above work great.  I don't think you are going to have any
performance problems.

> Russ P.
> On Tue, Jan 4, 2011 at 1:56 PM, Remigiusz Modrzejewski <l...@maxnet.org.pl
> > wrote:
>> On Jan 4, 2011, at 20:50 , Gour wrote:
>> > Russ> I'd be interested to know if anyone is using fossil for a "large"
>> > Russ> software project. How large? Oh, let's say ten or more
>> > Russ> developers. If so, how is it working out?
>> >
>> > Well, considering that Sqlite3 is used as storage back-end, I believe
>> > you can explore that part.
>> >
>> > The other parts in Fossil seems to be very robust, imho.
>> Taking into account some DVCS's based on much less robust back-ends*, like
>> Git or Mercurial, I guess that Sqlite3 is not going to be the problematic
>> part.
>> * - or do you want to argue that heaps ad-hoc text files are more robust
>> than one of the most popular databases?
>> Kind regards,
>> Remigiusz Modrzejewski
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