On Fri, Jan 28, 2011 at 12:31 PM, Dmitry Chestnykh

> <snip>

This will work when symlinks point to files/folders inside our repository,
> but what to do with other links?
> For example, imagine checking in the link to "../README", where README is
> located outside our repository. What link should be created in this case on
> Windows -- directory symlink or file symlink?

i, for one, am against adding symlinks support for exactly these types of
reasons. Too many questions regarding their portable use cannot be answered
(and some of them are purely philosophical rather than technical, e.g.
whether or not to allow links outside the repo).

i've been a die-hard Unix user since well over 10 years, i don't own a copy
of Windows or Mac or any other non-Unix-like system (don't tell me Mac is
Unix-like!), and i use symlinks on a daily basis. Even so, i strongly feel
that trying to version control symlinks is an exercise in futility, pain,
and suffering, and a great source of bugs and incompatibilities. It cannot
work transparently across platforms, period, and there are good reasons why
so few source control systems attempt to version them. Symlinks are
platform-specific convenience objects, and not a feature which can be
portably emulated.

But have fun trying. i'll take back what i just wrote if someone can prove
me wrong (show me the code, not the theory!).

----- stephan beal
fossil-users mailing list

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