On Wed, Jan 26, 2011 at 23:55, Dmitry Chestnykh <dmi...@codingrobots.com> wrote:

> I heard that Windows 7 supports symlinks, but I don't have this
> version (I test on XP). So there's a possibility that some Windows
> developer could add full symlink support to Fossil on Windows 7.
> Another way would be to add some kind of "fossil symlink" commands to
> allow creating and modifying symlinks on Windows, but it may be an
> overkill (I haven't done this).

As per http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NTFS_symbolic_link, the support
for symlinks exists from Vista up. I would therefore be inclined in
using that instead of that awful undocumented binary fake something
called shortcuts.
There was some discussion on this topic in msysgit about a year or two
ago. Bazaar has some support through a plugin, that creates cygwin
symlinks and currently isn't being updated anymore.
Developers of both systems have rejected the support because of the
requirement of elevated privileges for creating (not reading) NTFS
symlinks. The privilege elevation can be globally disabled.
I think this would be an option for supporting real symlinks on the
widest choice of platforms, Windows XP excluded.
I am not quite sure about the behavior of the NTFS symlinks yet, but I
will definitely check that out.
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