On Wed, July 20, 2011 6:49 pm, Bill Burdick wrote:
> 2011/5/24 Natacha Porté <nata...@instinctive.eu>
>> As a fossil user, I would love to have the option to use Markdown in the
>> wiki (with the option of dumbing down to forbid inline HTML which might
>> be unsafe -- exactly the same option as it exists today).
> +1

Oh, for heaven's sake! We did this before:

1) there's no pleasing everybody (we all have our different favourites)
2) if its not available as a single-file C API, it's probably not going in
anyway (and insisting that it be a library is just as restrictive)

which leaves us with "should fossil have hooks" which still leads to
complex interface issues.

Not to mention people who want to clone a repository and join a project
but can't get the right libraries on their system.



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