Jan Danielsson <jan.m.danielsson@...> writes:

> On 05/24/11 08:08, Baptiste Daroussin wrote:
> [---]
> > Markdown is a really simple format that would imho greatly improve the
> > embed wiki of fossil.
>    Agreed. I'd love to see markdown support in fossil.

Good news then :-)

I have added the `discount` Markdown implementation into Fossil version 1.21.
This is actually pretty simple to do.

First, get David L. Parson's `discount` package from the author's site [1]; this
is a classical configure/make source tree, so if you are on Windows, you might
be interested in my adaptation [2] of it for Windows/MSVC on github.

Building should give you a static library `markdown.lib` (rsp. `markdown.a`).

The only thing that must be changed in Fossil (besides letting the compiler and
linker find the Markdown lib in the Makefile) is the source file `wikiformat.c`.

I have put the modified file in my public Dropbox [3], the changes can easily be
found by looking for the macro `WITH_MARKDOWN`. If you define it (in your
Makefile), all wiki content (and log messages if switched on etc.) will use
extended Markdown, while the Fossil-style links still work. See David Parson's
page for the details on which syntax extensions are available.

This is in an early stage of development and needs testing, and of course the
user should have the option to enable Markdown in the web interface,
individually for each wiki page rsp artifact would be best ... - but it's a
start anyway.

Feel free to experiment with that and to proliferate it.


[1]: http://www.pell.portland.or.us/~orc/Code/discount

[2]: https://github.com/tin-pot/discount

[3]: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/13455033/wikiformat.c

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