On Thu, Jan 26, 2012 at 2:36 PM, Remigiusz Modrzejewski

> Hi,
> I've stumbled upon a description of something, that I missed once or twice
> in Fossil:
> http://nuclearsquid.com/writings/git-add/
> Nothing that great: an ability to commit only part of changes to a file.
> This kind of a thing can as well be scripted out, or implemented with use
> of an external merge program (I acutally manually set up to use vimdiff the
> few times I needed it).
> Any opinions?

I'm of the old-fashioned opinion that you ought to test your code before
you check it in.  (See, for example, the pre-checkin
Fossil itself.  A similar checklist exists for SQLite.)  And I don't
know how you can compile and/or run a code file with only some of its

One does sometimes have multiple changes in a file and you want to break
them up into multiple check-ins.  That happens to me regularly when working
on SQLite.  In that case, I save off the a copy of the file that contains
all changes (perhaps in the
revert <http://www.fossil-scm.org/fossil/help/revert> the file to its
unchanged state, then start reapplying the changes one by one, testing at
each step and committing as necessary.  Is that more work than git-add?
Yes. But on the other hand, I don't think it is desirable to introduce new
commands that make it easier for you to skip the testing step.

D. Richard Hipp
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