Thank you, Martin, for the link...

On Tue, Feb 28, 2012 at 1:51 PM, Gour <> wrote:

> c) some aliasing mechanism so that user can create aliases for commands
> invoked with common options, e.g, ability to define

i would be up for taking that one on, if nobody's already touched it? i
think this could be done non-invasively with a variation of the --args
support (just adding another layer of g.argv filtering in main()) and
abusing the config or tags tables: alias-XYZ=command string.

Oh, but there's of course the chicken/egg problem: we need the aliases in
the db and the db isn't opened at that point. We might not even know the DB
yet because we haven't read -R REPO yet. i think the only option here
(without getting to invasive?) would be to put the aliases in the global
config db? (Would that be so bad?)

If we can find a reasonable model for this, i'm up for hacking it.


----- stephan beal
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