On Sat, 13 Oct 2012 09:27:38 -0400
Richard Hipp <d...@sqlite.org> wrote:

> Deleting content from a repository is scary.  A bug in the delete
> logic could easily cause loss of information.


> We put a lot of trust in Fossil at the moment because it is an
> append-only database.  New information is added but old information
> is never destroyed.  (Ignore the whole "shun" mechanism for now...)
> And steps are taken to ensure that the compression and encoding is
> reversible.  (See
> http://www.fossil-scm.org/fossil/doc/trunk/www/selfcheck.wiki for
> addition information.)  If we add the ability to delete a branch,
> suddenly the design of Fossil becomes much more brittle, and any tiny
> bug that gets introduced has the potential to trash a repository
> containing years of irreplaceable work.
> Hence, I am reluctant implement uncommit on a repository.

I fully agree with your decision here.

> Note that if you just want to change a check-in comment, that can be
> done by adding a correction using the web interface.  Adding a
> corrected check-in comment does not delete content.  The original
> check-in comment is preserved and a new correction is added the user
> interface is smart enough to use the correction rather than the
> original.  So editing a check-in comment does not involve deleting
> from the repository and is thus considered "safe".

I know about that one.

> Fossil actually uses multiple databases.  Of interest to us are (1)
> the repository database and (2) the ".fslckout" database which is
> specific to an individual checkout of that repository.  The
> repository is persistent and long-lasting and needs to be "safe". The
> check-out database lasts only for the lifetime of a local tree.

Very interesting idea.

> Artifacts are stored in the repository.  The repository is what needs
> to be protected by being append only.  But suppose we also allowed
> artifacts to be stored in the check-out database.  Check-ins or
> branches that are considered "experimental" or "local" could be
> stored in the check-out database.  When you get ready to "persist"
> these check-ins, they can be moved into the repository.  But as long
> as they have not been persisted, artifacts in the check-out database
> can be freely deleted.

It sound cool...I believe that hg also got some new features called
'phases' or so.

> This approach would mean that the repository database is still
> append-only and thus "safe".  But by providing a non-shared staging
> area in the check-out database, you get the ability to back out or
> modify recent changes.

It would be wonderful. Thank you very much for it.

> The downside is that your check-ins do not get backed up to the cloud
> until you persist them.  If your local disk crashes, you lose work.

/me uses raid-1 :-)


>From wherever the mind wanders due to its flickering and unsteady 
nature, one must certainly withdraw it and bring it back under 
the control of the self.

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