On Sat, 13 Oct 2012 11:45:29 -0300
Richie Adler <richiead...@gmail.com>


> That's the generous hypothesis.

It's wild speculation. :-(

First of all I do not see anything wrong if Fossil adopt some of the
good ideas present in DVCS predecessors - e.g. using Sqlite for keeping
artifacts (as Monotone).

Second, ability to 'uncommit' is nothing specific to Git. Such feature
is present in every DVCS (hg,bzr, mnt) I use(d) since Darcs which
I used 9 years ago.

Third...some of the points which I mentioned were discussed and/or asked
for by other people as well and as far as I'm concerned I used Fossil
two years ago while fiddling with Git is a recent affair of mine.

> The paranoid one is that Git promoters really want to nullify all
> differences between Git and Fossil and then say: "See? Fossil does
> the same that Git does! And we have Github! And the community! And
> etcetera!".

Lastly, I do not believe that Git promoters are interested in anything
except Fossil and do not care much what features other DVCS-es have.

Fortunately, Richard is reasonable person integrating best of the
features of other DVCS and learning based on other's mistake...clear
sign of wisdom.

> I like Richard's attitude of "Fossil is there to scratch my own
> itches and it's doing fine like it is now".

I'm just interested which version of Fossil is frozen for you 'cause
there is no place for improving it any longer. :-)


An intelligent person does not take part in the sources of misery, 
which are due to contact with the material senses. O son of Kuntī, 
such pleasures have a beginning and an end, and so the wise man does 
not delight in them.

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