On Fri, Sep 14, 2012 at 8:35 AM, Michal Suchanek <hramr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The thing to which promoters of immutable history are blind is that
> while exact history record of development of particular feature might
> be interesting and educational it is not the primary purpose if VCS.

That depends on what you're using the VCS for. Given that I use the
VCS to capture an exact history of the change sets I thought were
worth committing, that *is* it's primary purpose.

> And the makes *sense* is the crucial part here. When you learn maths
> you often hear something like this theorem AB was first proven by XY
> using method CD but we will today prove it using a much shorter and
> easier to understand method EF. Similarly, when implementing a feature
> into a piece of software the real history and the logical changes that
> make sense and are easy to review are often quite different things.

True. And which of the two things you are interested in will depend on
*why* you're using the VCS. For me, the *real* history is the
important thing. Yeah, I may record having done something the wrong
way, but having a record of the wrong way and the results of doing it
that way is *also* important. Others can either skip doing that
exploration, or look through the history to see *why* that way is

> With git you get powerful history rewriting commands. The drawback is
> that you have to be careful to not lose anything important in the
> rewriting.

Your view matches the common view of git users, which follow the Linux
project and treat the repository as part of the public face of the
project. If you look at things that way, not being able to edit the
repository history makes about as much sense as not being able to edit
the web site. I see the VCS as part of the internal project
documentation. Being allowed to edit it makes as much sense as editing
generated API documentation to change function signatures.

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