Richard Hipp wrote:
> CVS did not couple the actions, and I copied CVS in this regard.  I
> agree with you now, that coupling them is the right thing to do.  But I
> fear to change it because that might cause problems for existing scripts.

Add a -p for physical option to actually change the files, and leave the
default as is? I agree, changing the existing behaviour would be a
recipe for disaster.

This, plus the ability to operate on directories (as in 'fossil commit
subdir' or 'fossil mv subdir newname') are the two big items on my
fossil wishlist.

┌─── ───── ─────
│ "There is nothing in the world so dangerous --- and I mean *nothing*
│ --- as a children's story that happens to be true." --- Master Li Kao,
│ _The Bridge of Birds_

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