On Wed, Dec 12, 2012 at 1:24 AM, Jan Danielsson
>    I'm willing to bet that the number of times people will type "fossil
> mv/rm X Y" and not actually want to mv/rm X to Y just afterwards is
> vanishingly small. More to the point; let's reverse your "-s"-flag; I.e.:
>    $ fossil mv X Y
>    ... renames X to Y (metadata and filesystem).
>    $ fossil -d mv X Y
>    ... as in "Don't actually move" will only change the metadata, and
> the user can then use the mv command afterwards to manually rename/move
> the file in the filesystem.
>    The last option doesn't make any sense at all. Which is sort of my
> point.. I think such an option would be used roughly zero times; but
> your proposed "-s" would be used almost 100% of the time (when people
> learn about it). And this goes back to that "ten things I hate about
> git"-list; when commands counter-intuitively require extra flags to get
> the canonical behavior.

While the numbers may be in favor of the "-s" or whatever option,  I doubt
the other behavior would be used zero times. It happens occasionally that I
want to remove a file from version control, but not the actual file.

˙uʍop-ǝpısdn sı ɹoʇıuoɯ ɹnoʎ 'sıɥʇ pɐǝɹ uɐɔ noʎ ɟı
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