On Tue, Nov 20, 2012 at 06:10:00PM +0100, j. van den hoff wrote:
> On Tue, 20 Nov 2012 16:48:00 +0100, James Turner
> >
> >I'd suggest -f like cvs rm uses.
> obviously everybody seems to have his/her own preference how to
> handle this. so only a fraction of users will be happy in the end it
> seems. -- I would again second the proposal
> of Remigiusz Modrzejewski in this thread: after a 'grace' period
> when it would behave in the way you propose (explicitly add a -f
> flag to enforce deletion), finally change the default to what
> _current_ VCSs (>= svn) seemingly all (?) do by default which is to
> treat `svn(hg, git, bzr) rm' as meaning
> "remove from repository and also remove the working copy" while
> relegating different behaviour (if at all) to an option such as "bzr
> rm --keep".
> in my way that is the most frequently intended behaviour which
> should therefore be the default.
> sure a matter of taste as so many things, but at least it would
> avoid surprises here for refugees from one of the other systems.

I think that makes sense, with the addition of using Matt Welland's
suggestion of scheduling the move to compatibility breaking behavior on a
2.0 release.  This is the purpose of common semantic versioning, after
all: major version numbers (the "integer" portion, essentially) are for
indicating breakage in backward compatibility for system features.

I think that doggedly sticking to current default behavior for all time
is a bad idea for a number of reasons[1], but that making changes to
expected defaults before a major version number increment is also a
rather bad idea.

[1]: . . . such as potential for error when using multiple DVCSes in
parallel and discouraging people from adopting the software.

Chad Perrin [ original content licensed OWL: http://owl.apotheon.org ]
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