On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 04:40:28PM -0600, Nico Williams wrote:
> On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 9:20 AM, Lluís Batlle i Rossell
> <vi...@viric.name> wrote:
> > (top post, due to the complexity of the previous post)
> >
> > I've found many git-fans that are completely ashamed of how they develop. 
> > And
> > they would never make public how they commit things (how they use the VCS), 
> > so
> > they don't accept other VCS that hasn't git rebasing capabilities.
> And so on.  Really.  Large projects need order, they need process.
> They need clean trees in official repos.
> Without a way to clean history prior to pushing to / pulling into
> official repos a VCS is just hard to use effectively.

I'm not against that; I understand that teams of projects want to organize what
their "VCS history" looks like. 

What I meant is that (by now) git has only one way of providing such "clean 
destroying the history.

So, for that win (clean the trees at will), there is a forced work pattern: lose
the history. For me the advantadges are less than the disadvantages.

I think both can be achieved, in a VCS. For what I understand, Monotone has
quite nice solutions to that.

One thing is clean *visualisation* (or easy access, whatever), the other is
modifying the raw historical data at the back. Git offers tools to manipulate
the historical data, in order to achieve some visualisation.

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