On Thu, 17 Jan 2013 10:26:29 +0100, Stephan Beal <sgb...@googlemail.com> wrote:

On Thu, Jan 17, 2013 at 10:03 AM, Stefan Bellon <sbel...@sbellon.de> wrote:

While this seems to be an easy change, now the "dbstat" command outputs
"checkin-count" while the "info" command outputs "checkins". And
because the "dbstat" outputs quite a few other "counts" as well, you
cannot easily change it to "checkins" there as well as otherwise
consistency between the entries of the "dbstat" output would be broken.

The dbstat command is brand new (<1 week), meaning that we can still change
anything it does without any compatibility issues - feel free to make
suggestions. i don't mind making the changes, and the format of the dbstat output is more or less irrelevant to me. Easiest would be if you just paste
in a mock-up of what you feel it should look like.

Interestingly the two outputs produce different data (but that's
another matter):

$ fossil info | grep checkin
checkin-count: 10
$ fossil dbstat | grep checkin
checkin-count:      11

We discovered while adding dbstat that the /stat page and info command use
an algorithm which apparently isn't 100% correct for checkin counts. i'm
still investigating why this discrepancy exists (e.g. a bug or feature?),
and once that's resolved we'll likely go back and change either info/stat
or dbstat.

currently I see with all my (~ 10...) repos -- _except_ with the fossil repo itself -- that
the dbstat count is correct in the sense that it is identical to the number
of entries visible in the timeline output (hoping/assuming that the latter does indeed show everything and is thus the ground truth). the `info' count is consistently
below that number and in this sense wrong.

however, in the fossil repo (as of today) I get these number of checkins:

timeline: 4905
dbstat  : 4906
info    : 4860

i.e. in this single repo there is a difference of one between timeline and dbstat seemingly hinting at
a specific bug either in the code or in the database I guess.

regarding formatting of the output: I probably would label the corresponding `dbstat' entries like this:

checkins:           4906
files:              749 across all branches
wikipages:          24 (283 changes)
tickets:            990 (3137 changes)
events:             4
tagchanges:         494

the `-count' is sort of redundant anyway.


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