On Thu, Jan 17, 2013 at 12:24 PM, j. van den hoff <veedeeh...@googlemail.com
> wrote:

> currently I see with all my (~ 10...) repos -- _except_ with the fossil
> repo itself -- that
> the dbstat count is correct in the sense that it is identical to the number
> of entries visible in the timeline output (hoping/assuming that the latter
> does indeed
> show everything and is thus the ground truth).  the `info' count is
> consistently
> below that number and in this sense wrong.

the difference between the two numbers differs in different repositories,
but info/stat consistently show _lower_ values. They use a different query
for the counting than dbstat does, and that query is apparently not 100%
correct. Once we figure out why the "mlink" counts differ i'll feel
confident enough to swap out the queries used by info/stat.

> however, in the fossil repo (as of today) I get these number of checkins:
> timeline: 4905
> dbstat  : 4906
> info    : 4860
> i.e. in this single repo there is a difference of one between timeline and
> dbstat seemingly hinting at
> a specific bug either in the code or in the database I guess.

The difference is repo-specific. In the fossil repo (old/large) the diff is
relatively large. In my own repos (smaller/younger) the difference is
smaller (anywhere from 1 to 10 or so). The difference we see here is due to
using different counting queries, but whether or not this difference is due
to a bug or is actually as-designed is not yet clear. For the near-term
future they will differ, until i can figure out if the "mlink" table is
being mis-used somewhere (i.e. if there's a bug).

regarding formatting of the output: I probably would label the
> corresponding `dbstat' entries like this:
> ...
> checkins:           4906
> files:              749 across all branches
> wikipages:          24 (283 changes)
> tickets:            990 (3137 changes)
> events:             4
> tagchanges:         494
> ...
> the `-count' is sort of redundant anyway.

Sounds good to me. i'll try to get that done tonight (i'm still at work).

@Stefan: any objections to that?

----- stephan beal
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