On 6-2-2013 1:03, David Given wrote:
It lives!


Thanks a lot!
I’d forgotten that the UUID is not the original ticket ID.


Am I right when reading the following lines as erroring out when no ticket with that ID was found, then writing the HTML footer?


If so, wouldn’t it be better to return an empty (but valid) RSS feed?
The error message could be included in the feed title or description. Or, provide a single entry in the RSS feed, which merely mentions the error message.

If the error message is to be returned as-is, perhaps a different HTTP status could be issued, like 500 (instead of 200). Though I seem to remember that Fossil had trouble returning other status codes, or that the authors didn’t want to use HTTP status codes when the problem was not on the HTTP layer, but application-related (which this is, strictly speaking).

It probably also wants changes to the view ticket code to add [RSS feed]
to the menu, but that can wait until I see if anyone likes it. (The link
on the Calculon site above is part of the skin.)

Very nice!

The (default) skin is probably where you’d want to include the link anyway. It might be nice to include an autodiscovery link for that specific ticket on the page as well:

< link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="Ticket changes feed" href="timeline.rss?tkt=9e114e9de0" />

The Firefox extension appears to pick it up wherever the link is on the page; I don’t know about other browser( extension)s and feed readers. Officially[1], the link is supposed to go in the < head/> section: does anybody know if the current ticket ID is available from TH1 when processing the header?

  [1] http://www.rssboard.org/rss-autodiscovery

Of course, if the feed is about a specific ticket, then that could be reflected in the feed's title and description as well, like putting the ticket title in the feed's title, and the original ticket description in the feed's description. (I’m freewheeling a bit here: this would probably mean a lot more ticket-specific code).

Thanks again,
Martijn Coppoolse

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