On Wed, Feb 6, 2013 at 11:05 AM, David Given <d...@cowlark.com> wrote:

> Grr. The entire server seems to have gone down. I don't believe that's
> fossil-related. (It's a very small ARM box and is usually pretty
> reliable, but...) I'll have to head home and reboot it.

No rush - i can't play with it before Friday night, anyway :(.

> I think I can do better than that, anyway. What I'd really like is to be
> able to specify a particular Thing (is 'artifact' the right word here?)
> and get an RSS feed for that Thing --- be it a file, wiki page, ticket,
> branch etc. I'll need to study the schema to see what's feasible.

The JSON "artifact" command offers something similar (and yes, artifact is
the correct term), e.g.:

[stephan@host:~/cvs/fossil/fossil]$ f json artifact fe56e5aa4f | head -20
"comment":"Fix out-of-order variable declaration (VC6 cannot handle that).
\nMove MAX_REDIRECTS definition to xfer.c, so it can be converted to a
fossil setting later.",
[stephan@host:~/cvs/fossil/fossil]$ f json artifact
... "payload":{
"comment":"Fix out-of-order variable declaration (VC6 cannot handle that).
\nMove MAX_REDIRECTS definition to xfer.c, so it can be converted to a
fossil setting later.",

So we have a proof of concept for what you're looking for.

----- stephan beal
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