On Tue, Feb 5, 2013 at 5:47 PM, David Given <d...@cowlark.com> wrote:

> (Could someone explain the relationship between rids and UUIDs?)

>From what i understand (perhaps incorrectly), rids are effectively internal
values, and "shouldn't" be used in public access to the data. While they
_are_ (so far) stable, there has never been (AFAIK) any guaranty that they
stay that way. So far none of the public interfaces use them (though the
JSON API did for a while, i removed them after realizing that the HTML
interface doesn't use them anywhere).

Unfortunately I didn't get a chance to investigate because then my boss
> came back into the room...

LOL - i know that problem all too well ;). And my boss can unfortunately
tell the difference between C and Java code :/.

----- stephan beal
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