Thus said Richard Hipp on Mon, 13 May 2013 16:57:08 -0400:

> On Mon, May 13, 2013 at 4:43 PM, Andy Bradford <>wrot
> > One can always version control the documents in a separate directory
> > called docs. ;-) Of course it won't be served up via Wiki,....
> Sure it can.  See
> for a
> description.

Nifty! Ok,  I was unaware of  this ability. This certainly  might lessen
the need to have version control on the Wiki.

> FWIW,  the documents  for Fossil  itself  are contained  in the  "www"
> directory, not the "docs" directory. But that is just project-specific
> convention. You can put them anywhere you want on your project.

This is definitely an improvement over just the Wiki.

I  notice that  has a  Home  and Documentation  menu
item  that  goes  to  these ``embedded  documentation''  /doc  URIs.  Is
customization of the menu  in the web UI possible? Or  is it better just
to have  the main Wiki page  link to the ``embedded  documentation'' for
the project?

If the latter, it  seems like we're back to square one:  how does one go
about correcting  forks in the Wiki  edits? I found this  page, and it's
helpful in  understanding the  Wiki, but  basically reiterates  what has
already been said (e.g. there are no tools):


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