Hi Richard,

> Help me to understand:  Are you starting a new project?  If you are
> starting to work on an existing project, where did you get the files to
> work on if you didn't do the "source control prep" first?

In order to test Fossil, I essentially did the following:

1) created a folder for repositories (c:\fossil\repositories), and used
fossil new to create a repo called test.fossil
2) went to the root of an existing Visual Studio project, and did a fossil
open c:\fossil\repositories\test.fossil, saw the _FOSSIL_ file was created
3) did fossil add . to add the existing files to the new repository

At that point I saw all the debug detritus going into the repo, so I played
with deleting and ignoring things. :) So anyway, that initial prep for an
existing project has to be done with Git etc. as well. However at that
point I wasn't sure if I have to prep each working session by opening the
repo, working/committing, and then closing at the end.

This guy http://ronperrella.blogspot.com/2012/12/fossil-first-steps.html says
Fossil "doesn't like it" if the repository isn't open, and while he also
mentions that there's little reason to close a repo, there's also little
reason to think he must know what he's talking about since that information
isn't on the official site, hence the question.

> If you want to start the "source control prep" after the fact, that fine.
> The only danger is file overwriting.  Note also the --keep option to
> "fossil open" which avoids all file overwriting.

That fully answers the question, thanks.

> But if you make changes to some version of code you got "out of band" and
> then try to check it into fossil - are you sure you are checking it into
> the right branch?  Are you sure nobody else has changed it in the
> meantime.  There are lots of reasons not to do it that way.  Just open the
> checkout from fossil first, then start editing, and you will avoid lots of
> potential problems and complications.
>> Related to that, is it necessary to close the repository when you're
>> done, or is it OK to leave it  "open" between sessions, reboots, etc.? I
>> just want to make sure I understand the workflow to recommend and why.
> Leave sessions open.  There is hardly ever a good reason to close them.
> Sitting here typing this, I cannot think of even one reason why you would
> ever want to run "fossil close".  (You will notice, btw, that "fossil
> close" is not on the list of commonly used commands that appear when you
> type "fossil help". )

This is also good information, since it's not clear from a newbie

> A shared drive will work, in theory, assuming file locking works on the
> shared drive.  (Network filesystems are notoriously buggy in that
> respect.)  Performance won't be optimal, but will probably be good enough.

Hmm. I would hate to rely on Windows then if there's a reasonable
possibility of corruption that way.

>> Would the preferred method be creating the Windows service to share a
>> number of .fossil repositories, and then people can clone and autosync to
>> the various URLs presented by the service? Thank you,
> My opinion of the preferred solution is to run Fossil from CGI on a Linux
> box.  I'm guessing you aren't going to go for that solution, so my second
> choice would be to run Fossil as a windows service someplace.

I'd be happy to do a Linux box if I had the option, but I probably don't.
So it sounds like in a pure-Microsoft environment, the windows service
option is preferred. Thanks again,

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