Hi Gilles,

I think it serves its basic purpose of getting people up and running, but
of course you'll run into more questions soon after that. It might be good
for example to clarify that it's not necessary to actually close a
repository. Also, my first instinct was to try to convert my .gitignore
file to a fossil equivalent. I wanted to do that per project, so I had to
dig to find out how to do that (and that you can only do it from the
command prompt). Then when I did a test commit, I got the hint about how to
avoid having to type --no-warnings, but I had to discover for myself that
the only variant of the crnl-glob command that works on Windows requires
the asterisk to be in single quotes, i.e. fossil settings crnl-glob '*'
--global. That might be a nice additional hint for Windows users. Your
document does what it claims to do, so whether you want to add a couple of
extra hints based on my newbie experience is entirely optional of course.


On Tue, Jun 25, 2013 at 1:29 PM, Gilles <gilles.gana...@free.fr> wrote:

> On Mon, 17 Jun 2013 16:47:39 -0700, Pete Rihaczek
> <prihac...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I confess that the "up and running in 5 minutes" tutorial took me
> >considerably longer since I'm on Windows and had to work a few things out
> >that weren't crystal clear. Perhaps incorporating some lessons learned
> into
> >the "5 minute" intro might save other Windows users some time.
> I wrote that wiki entry, and happen to use Fossil on Windows. Where
> did you struggle?
> Note that, as indicated, it's meant to get a single user up and
> running fast with the most basic commands, not for using Fossil for
> group development.
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