FYI, dumpbin confirms that it's a 64-bit executable.


On Tue, Jun 18, 2013 at 2:06 AM, Michai Ramakers <>wrote:

> On 18 June 2013 02:15, Richard Hipp <> wrote:
> > There is a fresh build of Fossil for windows at:
> >
> >
> downloaded, but the binary inside the .zip doesn't run on my win32
> system. (Could it be a 64-bit binary? dependency walker hints at
> this).
> Instead, built using VS2008 a recent version (version 1.25
> [a6dad6508c] 2013-06-14 07:19:58 UTC) on win32 client and the same
> version on the *nix server.
> Rebuilding the repo using this new version on the server, and then
> cloning on the win32 box using this version on both sides
> unfortunately gave the same result as described in earlier mails.
> For the time being I will park the faulty/suspect repo somewhere, and
> create a new repo to work on. I'd be happy to assist in further
> debugging. (It's not necessary to provide prebuilt windows binaries
> for me, as apparently I can build these myself now - impressed as
> always with the clean and easy build-process :-)
> Thank you,
> Michai
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