On 19 June 2013 10:25, Edward Berner <e...@bernerfam.com> wrote:
> I'm surprised, but yeah, its looking that way.  I just ran the test again
> using the same fossil binary on XP and Windows 7.  The clone failed on XP
> but succeeded on (64 bit) Windows 7.  It also succeeds on 32 bit Vista but
> fails on Windows 2000 (I had to use a different binary on Windows 2000).
> As a sanity check I served up a copy of Fossil's own repository in the same
> way as my test repository.  All systems were able to successfully clone it.

That's a big help, thank you. Did you happen to also try cloning from
WinXP to the same WinXP box, using either file:// or http:// with
'fossil clone' ?

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