On Wed, Aug 21, 2013 at 08:05:58PM -0600, Chad Perrin wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 21, 2013 at 06:03:50PM -0700, B Harder wrote:
> > Agreed. Hyphens in libnames don't look pleasing to my eye (fwiw),
> > libfossilscm (cc ... -lfossilscm ...) might be next best to
> > disambiguate from potential collision w/ another libfossil, though it
> > too is pretty ugly looking.
> > 
> > Brief search yields https://github.com/paulfitz/libfossil as second
> > hit (after this very discussion). I also searched for libfsl, which
> > appears to be claimed, I didn't look into what that project is.
> As it happens, that GitHub hit appears to be someone's work on a library
> for Fossil SCM.  Glancing across some of the code, it looks like it's a
> Ruby libfossil, so there'd be no practical namespace clash -- only a
> search engine namespace clash, which is a common case for libraries that
> do the same things in different languages anyway.  I don't think that's
> much of an impediment.  It currently has six commits, all from July,
> according to GitHub.

. . . and I found this on chisel:


There's a libfossil.cpp in the src directory of the source tree
(requires anonymous login to view, naturally).

That pretty much sums up my findings before web searches start devolving
into stuff that doesn't really match, like "ILU.lib - fossil-ice".  It
appears that all references to libfossil are, in fact, references to
libraries related to Fossil SCM, specifically one for Ruby and one for
iOS (unless my quick skim of each misinterpreted its purpose).

I'd say the name should just be set in stone as libfossil now, and a
mirror should be set up on GitHub to boost its search engine ranking a
little bit (with a prominent mention of its canonical version control
repository being elsewhere using Fossil itself, of course).  While
you're at it, if you're willing to bother, you could twit about it on
Twitter and/or homestead the @libfossil name there.  I wouldn't go so
far as to recommend doing anything on Facebook, of course.

That should about solve any potential namespace issues, by ensuring that
other people checking to see if the name is taken will see your project
and decide "Yes, it does appear to be taken by an active project."

I'll see if, at its current level of (in)completeness, it passes muster
for inclusion in some of the Copyfree Initiative's lists (like copyfree
licensed projects worthy of support or addition to the copyfree software
listing), if you want to finally declare an official name for it as

Chad Perrin [ original content licensed OWL: http://owl.apotheon.org ]
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