Thus said "j. van den hoff" on Wed, 06 Nov 2013 10:18:08 +0100:

> fossil clone http://userid@server/repo myclone.fossil
> fossil user new localname
> fossil user default localname
> all  commits appear  in the  timeline with  user "localname"  (as they
> should).
> however, the  GUI says  "logged in  as `userid'  and tickets  and wiki
> changes appear in the timeline as  coming from user `userid' (i.e. the
> user having done the clone).

This seems to be the behavior that  I would expect. Either that or there
are some details missing in what you're reporting. How did you ``enter''
the GUI that you were viewing?

Here is what I did:

fossil new new.fossil
fossil server -P 8081 new.fossil &
fossil user -R new.fossil new tester
fossil user -R new.fossil cap tester v
fossil clone http://tester@localhost:8081/ clone.fossil
mkdir clone; cd clone; fossil open ../clone.fossil
echo $RANDOM > file
fossil add file
fossil ci -m file

In my browser,  I connect to http://localhost:8081/ and  login as tester
(newly created developer account). I see that file has been committed by
a user tester.

Now, I continue on still in the clone directory:

fossil user new localname
fossil user default localname
echo $RANDOM > file
fossil ci -m again

Now, in my  timeline I see a  new checkin by user  localname. This seems
correct to me.

So I continue on (still in clone directory):

fossil user cap localname v
echo $RANDOM > file
fossil ci -m newcap

Now, in my timeline  I see a new checkin by localname  with a comment of
newcap. Again, this seems correct.

I continue and now create a new wiki page:

echo 'Wiki' | fossil wiki create Wiki
fossil sync

Now, in  my timeline I  see a new  wiki page was  added by a  user named

If I logout  of the web interface  and login with an admin  user, I will
see that  the commits were made  by localname (the remote  username) but
that they  were received  into my  repository using  a login  of tester.
Again, this  is expected (I think).  The wiki pages show  as having come
from localname as well (but don't list the received user account).

What have I missed?


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