On Sun, 10 Nov 2013 04:11:11 +0100, Andy Bradford <amb-sendok-1386645071.gndkmiklplbpkoddf...@bradfords.org> wrote:

Thus said "j. van den hoff" on Thu, 07 Nov 2013 15:00:04 +0100:

> If I  logout of the  web interface and login  with an admin  user, I
> will  see  that the  commits  were  made  by localname  (the  remote
> username) but  that they  were received into  my repository  using a
> login of tester.

probably not relevant to the problem at  hand, but where and when do I
see this info that the commit was received using a login as `tester'?

When you login with an admin user,  you can click on the commit info and
it  will show  the  Received  From information.  This  is typically  the
account that  was used to create  the commit, and not  the username that
was used in the commit. This is  helpful in knowing which account in the
fossil was responsible for a commit.

I see now what you mean. however, that field (`received from') delivers different info depending on where I look: in my case if I go to the server-side (cgi) repository it correctly reports where a certain checkin actually comes from ("clone" user @ some IP) instead of the user name used for committing (the local user account name of the
person having done the clone).

in my local clone of the repo, however, the _same_ checkin (from somebody (and somewhere) else) is reported as originating from me@myIP (i.e. the `s' user of the local clone).

is this a bug or just a misinterpretation of what the `received from' field wants to tell me?



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