On Sun, 10 Nov 2013 16:40:59 +0100, Andy Bradford <amb-sendok-1386690060.ihfpfjbfobjiejdnd...@bradfords.org> wrote:

Thus said "j. van den hoff" on Sun, 10 Nov 2013 12:32:50 +0100:

the latter  (`myname') is  directly and  consistently reported  as the
user doing future commits and wiki  as well as ticket changes. this is
perfectly how  it should be.  however: `myname' is reported  as having
only "reader" capabilities (`u') in the web GUI.

I believe this is by design. Basically,  when you run fossil ui, you are
given  temporary capabilities  of ``sx''  for as  long as  fossil ui  is
running. I think this makes sense given that if you can run fossil ui on
a repository, you can do much worse to it.

The actual capabilities stored in the  db for that user come into effect
if that user is used in a remote interaction with the fossil.

I see. thanks for clarifying. so then everything seems perfect with your fix AFAICS. hopefully, this will make it quickly
into trunk and the next release. thanks again for looking into this.

I also noted (this is unrelated to your fix!) that the CLI for `fossil
user list' does  not report the capabilities for the  "real" users (it
only does so for the generic users (developer etc.)).

I don't see any capabilities listed here:

$ f user list
amb          amb-fos...@bradfords.org
anonymous    Anon
developer    Dev
nobody       Nobody
reader       Reader

The second column is the ``contact info'' for the user.

uphs -- my mistake (I had no contact info for the real user(s) so that column was empty there and I was taking the rest (Anon, etc.) as symbolic names for the capabilities. would it not be more sensible to omit these
"pseudo contact info" altogether (or replace it by `NA', `--', or `none'?)

I do  concede that it would  be nice if  there were an option  to ``user
list'' that would include the capabilities of each user.

why not just all the time as a further column?

issuing the  (syntactically wrong) command `fossil  user capabilities'
yields the usage text:

Usage: fossil user user capabilities USERNAME ?PERMISSIONS?




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