The following is based on the fact that I do not know whether there are
any undocumented or poorly-documented features that would provide the
described functionality, or whether I have simply failed to see what was
right in front of my face after spending a fair bit of time staring at
Fossil's help output.

## Related Questions

Is there some way to merge history from another fossil repository into
a brand new fossil repository created with "fossil init" locally?

    This would help me by allowing me to clone the repository from the
    server and import from Git to create a new repository, then merge
    from that new repository into the repository cloned from the
    server, then push changes to the repository on the server.

Is there some way to push from a fossil repository to an arbitrary
brand-new repository across HTTP(S)?

    This would help me by allowing me to import from Git to create a new
    repository, then simply push from the new Fossil repository to the
    existing (empty) repository on the server.  The ability to do this
    seems like it would have many, many other potential uses in truly
    distributed version control workflows, too -- even if it only pushed
    (with all history) as a branch.

Is there some way to create a repository so it does not have a dated
"initial commit" just because the init command was used?

    It seems odd to me that the only DVCS that I have seen that cannot
    init a repository without an implicit initial commit is Fossil, and
    this would likely solve my present problem as well.

Is there some way to revert the state of an entire repository, involving
all files, to an earlier state?

    It never occurred to me there may not be, and this was obviously
    part of my earlier attempt to make the import work out for my needs.
    It seems that the ability to roll back the entire repository to an
    earlier state should exist for a variety of reasons, perhaps
    relegating anything undone by the rollback to a dead/closed branch.

## Unrelated Questions

Is there any chance that Fossil will get a manpage or two at some point?

Chad Perrin [ original content licensed OWL: ]
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