On Wed, Mar 05, 2014 at 07:25:31PM -0500, Ron Wilson wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 5, 2014 at 2:21 AM, Chad Perrin <c...@apotheon.net> wrote:
> > I'm talking about a distributed team, where not everyone has SSH shell
> > access or the ability to directly change anything on the filesystem, but
> > they all have commit access to a specific set of repositories.  This
> > means, for instance, that they could clone from, and sync with, an
> > existing repository -- but not all could create or delete entire
> > repositories.
> >
> Presumably the server admin (you?)  would be the one creating new
> repositories on the server, so would be able to use "fossil clone" or
> "fossil import" either via SSH or directly on the server.

As I said in another response within this extended thread:

    . . . there may be a fair number of similar import/fork needs in the
    future, which means that it makes a lot more sense for me to figure
    out how to get the import into an existing repository to work --
    especially because people who do not have scp access to the server
    at the moment may also be doing some of this work.  If I just do it
    the way you describe, I would need to do all of this work for every
    instance, which is not a very reasonable state of affairs here.

The result is that, yes, if it was *just me*, and/or I was willing to
*do everything all the time*, it would be possible for me to do things
in a *more difficult way* every time, but I'm not likely to do any of:

1. give everyone in the world the ability to make these changes on the
server directly

2. screw around endlessly with ssh key configuration to limit privileges
to a particular set of commands that will probably end up changing
regularly so that I have to do that again, then again, and so on

3. do a bunch of extra work on top of extra work other people need to do

Chad Perrin [ original content licensed OWL: http://owl.apotheon.org ]
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